About RentaMac™™
Experience. Quality. Reliability!
RentaMac™™ has been in the business of exclusively hiring Apple computers since 2004. Our background in goes all the way back to the beige Mac where we used them at University.

RentaMac™™ originated in Auckland by Dennis Lally, and a lifestyle decision led to a move to South Taranaki in 2006. After 14 years Renting Apple Macs Dennis retired and sold the business to Deanne & Lincoln McCrea.
Dee and Linc (as they’re affectionately known) met 16 years ago when Linc, who originally hails from Southland, began his career with the police in Taranaki. A keen hunter-gatherer with a love of fishing, diving, and hunting, he loved the region so much he never left.
Dee grew up on a dairy farm in Hawera before working with New Zealand Hockey and the Black Sticks for six years as a video analyst (using Macs). The gig saw her traveling the world, supporting the team at two Olympic Games and one Commonwealth Games before love and family drew her home.
Dee trained in Mathematics at Massey University followed by Commercial Computer Graphics at Taranaki Polytech, then set up Kiwa™ High-Performance Websites in 1997. She develops websites for an array of businesses including online shopping sites, engineering, small business, and motels. Most recently, after 21 years of operation, she and Linc expanded Kiwa™ with the acquisition of RentaMac™.
Not ones to rest on their laurels Dee and Linc are also part owners in MenoMe®, a company focused on helping women through menopause via information, health and weight management, and an outstanding all-natural herbal supplement EstroG-100™.
Dee has always been a keen sportswoman and represented the country in Indoor Hockey between 1992 – 1997. More recently she’s completed two marathons and a half IronMan. “These challenges reflect our business tagline Kiwa™ – High Performance,” she says. “They’re not just words we pulled from the sky because they had a nice ring, they came from my founding pedigree of high-performance and challenging activities which flows through to my sense of wanting to seek improvement and success.”
Contributing to the community is also high on Dee and Linc’s list of priorities – Dee uses her video and analytical skills in a volunteer role with TRFU, and the Southern Rugby Club as well as sponsoring many not for profit organisations including BPW Hawera & the Patea Historical Society to name a couple.
It would be fair to say that high performance is ‘never’ not on the agenda for the McCrea’s. Their three boys Jacob, Daniel, and Christian are following their heritage and are keen outdoors ‘men’ too, taking part in sporting activities, running events, hunting, and fishing. “We are passionate about Hawera and Southern Taranaki,” says Dee. “We love the slower pace of life and the outdoor attractions and we have a strong commitment to the town – its schools, shopping, events, services, and businesses.”
“Hawera has many innovative businesses tucked away that many of us aren’t aware of locally,” says Dee. “There are companies here manned by teams who are quietly working away using their creativity and clever ideas to reach the rest of the country as well as the world.”
Dee and Linc – along with RentaMac™™ and Kiwa™ – are standing right beside their neighbours and following that same journey.

Rental Process
At RentaMac™ we go out of our way to make the rental process easy and stress free for our customers. Check out our process here…